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Request for Proposal

Advertisement for roof tear off and replacement

Conway Township

8015 N Fowlerville Road

Fowlerville MI 48836

Conway Township is actively seeking sealed bids for roof tear off and replacement at the township hall.  Bid specification will be available at the Conway Township office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 9 am and 3pm, or on our website at ConwayMI.gov. Deadline for all sealed bids is November 20, 2023 and need to be mailed or dropped off in person or the drop box at the above address. 

All sealed bids will be reviewed at the November 21st Board of Trustees meeting. All information required in the bid packets must be included in sealed bid.  Bids that do not include all pricing and information will be discarded. The successful bidder must supply a Certificate of Insurance stating Conway Township as the Certificate Holder and a completed W-9 form. Conway Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to award the contract to other than the low bidder, to award separate parts of the service required, to negotiate the terms and conditions of all and/or any part of the bid, to waive irregularities and/or formalities, and, in general, to make the award in the manner as determined to be in the Township’s best interest and sole discretion.

The Bid specifications and be found here

Elizabeth Whitt

(10/22 and 11/5/2023)